Summer Care Naturally

The scorching sun is here already! And it’s exactly that time of the year to reach out to your summer skincare tips. Get ready to beat this heat. Your skin needs extra nourishment and care as the season demands more from it. With all-natural ingredients, Vicco lets your skin stay happy with the right summer skincare routine. Vicco Turmeric Cream works effectively for smooth and irritation-free skin the whole day.
Before you buy a cream we would suggest you understand how to take care of skin in summer.
The issue is not just the scorching heat but the effects of pollution, humidity and many external factors. You are robbed of your natural glow and even end up with infections. That is when a natural sunscreen and cream play an important role.
Here are summer tips for skin. All that you will need in these months.
Natural Sunscreen tops the list!
It is surprising how many people avoid sunscreen. In fact, experts tell you to wear sunscreen even while sitting in front of your computer as it emits UV rays. As sunscreen does not last for long it is advised to be applied twice a day. Always choose UVA and UVB with SPF 30 and SPF 70. You should re-wear your sunscreen after every 2 hours especially when you are exposed to the sun for a long while. Natural sunscreens are preferable as it reduces the damages caused by harmful chemicals in conventional products.
Body Lotion of Complete Hydration
There is no better way to hydrate your skin other than water. Special summer lotions are available across India, and a light and fast-absorbing lotion will do the trick. You could even try the new gel variants in the market which act quickly and are fast absorbers. Fruity lotions are preferred by many due to the fragrance and the natural products used in them. The best time to apply some body lotion is just after a shower.
4 litres of water does wonders
A minimum of 8 glasses are a must. Creating a water routine is the only solution to ensure a minimum of 4 litres (or 8 glasses) of water is consumed. A lot of habit building experts advise carrying your own water bottle which also acts as a great reminder.
Water has the following benefits:
- It washes away toxins
- Rejuvenates and hydrates your body
- Adds nutrients and oxygen to your cells
- Flushes bacteria
- Aids digestion
There is no better summer skincare routine than this!
Nothing better than Exfoliating
Your body is shedding skin cells every minute and every day. If you don't get rid of them it tends to make your skin look dull and dry. The best way to get rid of it is with your body scrub. Constant circular movements starting from your shoulders and going all the way down. It is advised to exfoliate 2-3 times a week.
While we have listed the best summer skincare tips it is up to you to follow them for great summer skin.
Vicco believes everyone deserves the skin they love and want to live in. The Vicco Turmeric Cream for summer ensures that happens naturally!
The scorching sun is here already! Get ready to beat this heat. Your skin needs extra nourishment and care as the season demands more. With all natural ingredients, Vicco lets your skin stay happy even in summers. Vicco Turmeric Cream has effects for a smooth and irritation-free skin the whole day.