Gum Health is Important

A lot of us care about our teeth but what about our gums? In India, one in two adults, above the age of 30 years, have gum disease or related issues. This is a fact that has not been addressed a lot. Many suffer from moderate oral ailments and that makes it important to know how to prevent gum disease. With over 700 bacterial species ready to attack your gum and teeth, you must get to know more about gum care. This article helps you with useful information and tips for healthy gums.
Let’s begin with the function of your gums
Your gums are made of tissue that grips your teeth and your jawbones. While being a support structure they even act as a protective layer that fights bacteria and avoids food debris to settle. Poor oral hygiene is the main reason for plaque formation, which can lead to further complications including tooth loss. Hence, you have to improve gum health.
Save your gums from dental Plaque
Just taking care of your oral health does not mean you are completely bacteria-free. They are known to mix with food by-products, residues and proteins finally forming a layer of dental plaque. This sticky, see-through layer hardens to form tartar, which not only stains your teeth but damages your gums too. Bleeding gums, soreness and inflammation are some of the signs of gingivitis – a common villain. That could lead to issues in chewing, bad taste in your mouth and bad breath. The longer dental plaque stays on your teeth the worse it gets. Great oral care is all about reducing or eliminating dental plaque and that is why you need the right tips for healthy gums.
Here are self-care tips to retain and maintain your gums -
Sweets are not that sweet on your teeth
We all love sweets and so does the bacteria in your mouth. Indians have a sweet tooth and we all need to admit that. We all indulge in an array of sweets - from our traditional sweets to chocolates. But limiting your love for sweets by lessening your intake will help in the long run. Chronic diseases, obesity, heart disease and diabetes are some critical ailments that you could develop with your sweet habit. You could cut down on candies, traditional sweets, cakes, sodas, and energy drinks.
Even your Gums need love every day
Setting an oral care routine is important. You need to brush and floss twice a day. This should be followed up with mouthwash. Twice a day works well and helps you keep any oral issues at bay. Since you cannot eliminate 100% of the bacteria it makes sense to ensure an oral care routine. Studies show that by hitting the two-minute brushing mark you can fight 26% of dental plaque.
Dentists are the best friend you could ever have
It just takes two visits in the year to keep your gums and overall oral health in check. Yes, we know it can be daunting but that is the case only if you look at the negative aspects (pain, discomfort etc.). But the positives are too many. Your dentist can spot any issues and help you resolve them before it develops further or worsens. Deep cleaning your teeth and gums is advised for optimum results.
These simple steps are enough to improve gum health. After reading this article we hope you take care and show some love for your gums and they will love you back too!