Vicco Turmeric WSO Ayurvedic Skin Cream is a pleasant blend of turmeric with sandalwood oil which has a high medical significance. Turmeric is an integral part of each and every home in India for the past numerous generations. We at Vicco bring to you the qualities of turmeric in the form Turmeric Skin Cream. Being an Ayurvedic medicine it is safe without any side effects. Fight skin infections, inflammation, blemishes and other skin disorders with Vicco Turmeric WSO Ayurvedic Skin Cream.
Vicco Turmeric WSO Ayurvedic Skin Cream now available in a sachet, is a pleasant blend of turmeric and other ayurvedic ingredients
- Fights skin infections, inflammation, blemishes and other skin disorders with Vicco Turmeric WSO Ayurvedic Skin Cream Sachet
Vicco Turmeric WSO Ayurvedic Skin Cream makes skin healthier and its antiseptic properties heal and cure minor burns, cuts, scars and wounds
- It nourishes your skin from within makes your skin healthier, blemish-free and beautiful. It prevents and cures skin infections, inflammation, blemishes, wounds, rashes, pimples, boils, dermatitis, allergic eruption and other skin disorders
- Can be used for both men & women. Unisex