Effective on Knee & Joint Pain, Backache, Sprain, Muscular Pain and also a good muscle relaxant too.
Vicco Narayani Cream, a perfect blend of a variety of medicinal oils relied upon by generations to generations.
Vicco Narayani Cream contains Oils of Rai, Nilgiri, Devdaru, Chaipati, Rosha, Laung, Dalchini, Pudina besides Kapur, Pudina & Ajwain Phool.
Vicco Narayani is an excellent anti-inflammatory preparation. It helps to treat all the joint pains of the body, backache and muscular pains. It is a good muscle relaxant too. Its application on the human body helps smooth flow of blood that circulates through arteries and veins. In a way, it strengthens the easy movement of the blood when applied for a relief. Besides, it effectively treats a headache and also cough & cold.
Ingredients: Rai, Nilgiri, Devdaru, Chaipati, Rosha, Laung, Dalchini, Pudina, Kapur, Gandharpura and Ajwain phool