Cubeb / Kabab Chini
English Name : Cubeb
Hindi Name : Kabab Chini
Cubeb is a curative plant that is also known as kabab chini, piper cubeba, and tailed pepper. Kabab chini uses have been promoted by ayurveda exponents for years. It is mainly grown in the Indonesian islands of Java and Sumatra, and that’s where it gets its name Java pepper. The berries are brown and black in colour, and hence, look like black pepper. It is very common in Asian cooking and is used in savoury and sweet dishes. Other than kabab chini uses in food, its fruit and oil have been used for many curative measures, which are listed below. In Hindi, it is called “Sheetal chini” due to its cooling effect when placed on the tongue. The aromatic berries have a pungent and bitter taste. The ripe berries are dried and used for various health issues like:
* Bacterial infections
* Digestive issues
* Cough and cold
* Diarrhoea
* Parasitic infections
Benefits of Cubeb:
1. Fights Bacterial and Fungal Issues
Kabab chini uses have been effective for many people due to their anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. It gets rid of bacteria and deals with fungal issues, in turn, helping you heal faster.
2. Great for Cold & Cough
Its antipyretic properties help you fight mild fevers, cold and cough. We take it in the form of tea along with holy basil and turmeric powder. You could add it to tea or any hot beverage when you are down with a cold.
3. Reduces Inflammation
As an anti-inflammatory it works on different parts of your body. It gives you relief from swelling and pain when consumed orally. Kabab chini medicinal uses can differ as per inflammation.
4. Anti-Estrogenic
Cubeb is great for reducing estrogen, especially for men with low testosterone.
5. Reduces mouth odour
Its antiseptic properties have been great for dental problems, especially halitosis (mouth odour). It even helps cure mouth ulcers. It is one of the common cubeb benefits.
6. Resolves Urinary Issues
If you are suffering from pain while urinating or a burning sensation, kabab chini powder is great for you. It also helps urinary retention and stimulates urination if you are finding it tough to do so.
Kabab Chini uses are popular in ayurvedic healing as it contains:
* Monoterpenes
* Sesquiterpenes
* Germacene
* Cubebin
* β-pinene
You can always make a fine cup of tea that makes the best use of cubeb benefits. You need to heat a cup of water along with 1/4 tsp of kabab chini, turmeric powder and salt. You need to strain the mixture and drink.
Many of us have eaten or cooked with kabab chini without knowing the herb's wondrous benefits. Ayurvedic practitioners and medical experts continue to explore kabab chini uses and benefits for other curative measures.