Cinnamon / Dalchini
English Name : Cinnamon
Hindi Name : Dalchini
The Astringent and Haemostatic properties fight and minimize bleeding of gums. The Antiseptic property fights teeth decay and suppuration. Its Aromatic nature relieves bad breath. These properties when combined improve the health of gums and teeth.
Since olden times, Cinnamon uses have changed our lives. From kings to the common man, everyone has been cured due to the health benefits of cinnamon. It has been used as a taste master by many – mixed in teas or sprinkled over desserts. In India, it is fondly known as dalchini.
What is Cinnamon or Dalchini?
It is a rich spice that is derived from the inner bark of the aromatic Lauraceae family of trees and shrubs, which has over 250 species. It grows in abundance in tropical and subtropical regions of Asia, America, Central America Oceania and Australasia. At one point, the wide range of cinnamon benefits made it costlier than gold. The Egyptians used it for religious while medieval Europe used cinnamon for religious rites and flavouring. This is one of the prime spices that made the Dutch East India Company rich and profitable.
Ayurveda has promoted its use and curative properties. In fact, cinnamon benefits those with the 'Kaphavata' constitution. Here are some popular uses:
* Cinnamon improves digestion
* Cinnamon for diabetes cure
* Cinnamon or dalchini for weight loss
* Treats Candidiasis
Health Benefits of Cinnamon (Dalchini)
Improves Digestion
Cinnamon is a natural digestive that boosts digestion and is known to relieve flatulence. It is the best natural medicine for diarrhoea. Medical experts and ayurvedic practitioners have even prescribed Cinnamon uses for people suffering from abdominal pain, dyspepsia and irritable bowels. Some even use it to improve their liver function. It is commonly sprinkled or added to food items as it improves the absorption of nutrients from food. If you are suffering from any sort of gut anomalies you should try a cup of cinnamon tea.
Dalchini for weight loss
Today, a lot of food items and dishes are high in fat. Cinnamon blocks the activity of many digestive enzymes, which slows down the absorption rate of sugar from the blood. This typically happens when you eat a carbohydrate-rich meal. As the spice is high in fibre it reduces food cravings as you feel satiated and full. Since it is one of the best natural metabolism boosters, it automatically aids in digestion and reducing fat growth. Many people also use cinnamon for diabetes cure.
Great Antioxidant
The role of antioxidants is to prevent oxidative stress from free radicals. Oxidative stress is extremely harmful for your body. It can lead to DNA damage leading to diabetes, high cholesterol levels, heart disease, and mainly obesity.
Best anti-bacterial
It is a great anti-bacterial and anti-fungal remedy. This helps you fight qualities in microbial infections like.
* Candida
* Ringworm
* Athlete’s foot
Cinnamon uses have helped build the best vegan and cruelty-free products. Cinnamon paste is a great example of the same.
Let us recap the health benefits of Cinnamon:
* Help in digestion
* Helps in weight loss
* Acts as an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal remedy
* It is a great antioxidant
The next time you have any products with cinnamon do remember the curative properties of this wonder spice.