Anantamul / Indian Sarsaparilla
English Name : Indian Sarsaparila
Hindi Name : Anantamul
Spike in Anantamul uses for overall health. Know why!
It’s all in the root!
There has been a sudden interest in Anantamul benefits all around the world due to its numerous medicinal qualities. Ayurvedic practitioners have promoted the use of this marvellous herb in various forms for a wide range of health issues. The growing demand for natural and organic ingredients has increased Anantamul uses. It is great to see the surge in demand as this root has a lot to offer.
What is Anantamul (Indian Sarsaparilla)?
The name means ‘eternal root’ in Sanskrit. This slender twining shrub has an aromatic root, and hence, lives up to its name. The plant is also known as white sariva or Indian Sarsaparilla, which is widely found in India.
Anantamul Benefits
* Helps manage blood sugar levels
* Prevents liver damage by protecting insulin-producing cells
* Improves metabolism and helps digestion
* Great for skin issues
Great for Heart
Research shows how Anantamul acts as a calcium channel blocker to rectify people with irregular cardiac rhythm. It prevents fat accumulation cutting the risk of heart blocks, attacks, clots, and even cardiac arrests. Anantamul uses are beneficial for people with high blood pressure as well.
Its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial qualities have been promoted by Ayurveda, which helps in curing and healing various skin conditions. It helps remove toxins from the blood and safeguards your skin from oxidative deterioration through UVA and UVB rays. If used for long, it helps decrease blemishes, spots, wrinkles, dark circles and fine lines. It is advised for people suffering from acne, pimples, psoriasis, eczema and many other skin issues.
Stomach Cures
It is good to improve your digestion and metabolism, which may also lead to weight management in some cases. The phytochemical components present in Anantamul make it great for your digestive system by reducing the build-up of gas, which in turn, avoids bloating and constipation. It works on diminishing excessive acids in your stomach which helps curb ulcers, gastritis and indigestion.
Some other interesting Anantmul benefits include:
* Acts as an anti-inflammatory
* Acts as a pain-relieving substance
* Best for detoxifying
* Good Diuretic
How to get the Best of Anantamul Benefits
It is easily available as a powder and syrups. The most convenient way to consume the root is by adding it to any beverage, drink or sherbet. This helps dilute the pungent-bitter taste of Anantamul. While the accurate dosage may vary depending on the person, here are standard ways to consume it:
Powdered Anantamul Uses
Take half a teaspoon of Anantamul powder and mix it with warm water. Add honey as per your taste preference. Have it twice a day, 45 minutes before meals or as per the directions given by your Ayurvedic doctor/ practitioner.
Use of Anantamul decoction:
Add 3 to 4 teaspoons of Anantamul decoction to water. Add honey as per your taste preference. Have it twice a day, 45 minutes before meals or as per the directions given by your Ayurvedic doctor/ practitioner.
Use of Anantamul Syrup: Add 3 teaspoons of Anantamul syrup in a glass of cold water, and squeeze ½ lemon (or as per your taste preference) . Drink it once a day, before meals or as per the directions given by your Ayurvedic doctor/practitioner.
Anantamul Benefits are abundant due to the bio-active constituents like stigmasterol, saponins, fatty acids and tannins. On the other hand, the plants’ stem contain hemidescine, glycosides and emdine.
The growing Anantamul uses is a positive sign as many people need to discover the eternal root for their own good.