Jamun / Jambhul
English Name : Jamun
Hindi Name : Jambhul
Its scientific name is Syzygium cumini, and is commonly known as jamun, jaman, jambul, Malabar plum, Java plum or black plum. Its fruit and leaves are rich in antioxidants and important vitamins
To make things simpler for you, we have listed 6 health benefits of Jamun
Jamun or jambhul offers health benefits in abundance for various problems. It comes packed with vitamins and minerals. It is high in nutritional value and low in calories. This has given it the dynamism and demand in ayurvedic healing and medicinal products
6 incredible benefits if you continue eating and consuming jamun
Increased Hemoglobin Production
These fruits come loaded with vitamin C and iron, which helps increase haemoglobin. These are important minerals that propagate haemoglobin production. As you may be aware, an increase in haemoglobin levels helps our bloodstream enable more oxygen to different parts of our body. This is an important function as your organs need oxygen to stay fit and function efficiently. Regular consumption of jamun helps purify your blood.
The Reason for Strong Gums
Gum bleeding, infections and the development of plaque are common issues. A common home remedy is to suck the jamun fruit (some people even use its leaves) to stop gum bleeding and get pain relief. Its leaves have antibacterial properties, which are great for your gums. Hence, jamun is a common ingredient. You can dry the leaves of the plum, store them and use them as toothpowder too.
Enhances Skin Health
This super fruit comes filled with rich antioxidants, iron and vitamin A. You can arrest premature ageing or a degenerating eye condition on regular consumption of jamuns. This fruit has ample astringent properties that are great for your skin health. This means you can get rid of those pesky pimples, ageing wrinkles, repeating acne, and blemishes. High Vitamin C content makes your skin softer and helps you maintain good texture.
Blood Pressure Regulation
High blood pressure is a common problem in today’s age. Jamun has been helping us curb one's blood pressure for centuries through ayurvedic treatments. The amount of potassium in jamun lets you control the pressure.
Jambhul is a Good Weight Loss Remedy
This fibre-rich fruit is low in calories. That is the perfect combination, in case you are looking at losing weight. It enables better digestion, reduces water retention and fills your stomach so you do not crave more food
The fruit for the Diabetic
This is a great fruit for diabetics as it is easy to consume and there is no harm in consuming large amounts of the same. Its seeds contain an anti-diabetic ingredient called jambolana. This ingredient plays a pivotal role to reduce the rate of sugar release in you bloodstream. It promotes insulin production and regulates blood sugar levels.
This is a great season to enjoy jamuns. Benefit from their healing properties. Make a salad or a smoothie to make the best use of jambhul.