Oak / Maifal
English Name : Oak, Magic Nuts
Hindi Name : Maifal
Oak galls or magic nuts are called Maifal in Hindi. It is the outgrowth on the Aleppo Oak (Quercus infectoria). This tree is native of Syria, Iran, Greece, and Asia Minor
Ayurveda recognised the bounty of the oak, and its practitioners have been using it for centuries.
This deciduous, small tree (also considred a shrub) has long leaves and drooping branches. It grows up to 6 feet at a medium rate. You can spot a lot of them in low
lands, and mountain valleys.
In Ayurveda, Maifal is obtained from the dried galls, which are formed on the twigs of the plant.
Today, it is extensively used in various medical practices for following qualities:
* Antimicrobial
* Analgesic
* Astringent
* Desiccant
* Hypolycemic
* Hepatoprotective
* Sedative
* Hypnotic
* CNS depressant
* Antidiabetic
* Anti-diarrheal
Maifal is giving, as its bark, roots, leaves and fruits are used in various medicinal uses.
The oak tree has the following principal constituents:
* Starch
* Protein
* Cellulose
* Fat
* Alkaline sale
Maifal has been used to treat many ailments and health issues. Here are some:
* Heals wounds that may have worsened with bacterial infections
* Reduces infections caused due to blastocysts, leishmaniasis, and amoebiasis. Its anti-parasitic property helps here.
* Some researchers advice the gel extract to lubricate the vagina and reduces dryness.
* Interestingly Maifal is also used as a local anaesthesia for ages.
* This anti-hypertensive reduces high levels of blood pressureand calms the nervous system if consumed properly.
* Maifal essential oil is great for you scalp,especially to treat hair fall.
Now let’s get into the details cures with Maifal:
Diarrhoea Killer
Due to unhygienic food or contaminated water you could suffer from intestinal infections. In such cases Maifal is great while curing diarrhoea, dysentery and acute abdominal pains.
Natural Remedy for Piles
Very few natural remedies work well on piles. Maifal controls bleeding during piles (also known as haemorrhoids). Its astringent property constricts tissues in
the rectum area, which eventually stops the bleeding. You get Maifal ointment over the counter for inflammation and pain due to piles.
Reduced Skin Pigmentation
You can even curb and cure hyperpigmentation that is caused when you are constantly exposed to heat. Maifal reduces tan and gets rid of pigmentation, as well as dark spots.
Manage Diabetes
Ayurvedic medicine has been using Maifal root extracts to induce insulin production and balance its levels. People suffering from uncontrolled diabetes have got their lives back on track with continuous use of this rich ingredient.
Great for Mouth and Throat
Ayurvedic medicine has proven how Maifal is great for your mouth and throat. Its great astringent qualities helps curb gum bleeding, and reduces inflammation in
your mouth. You could even use it to treat sore tonsilitis by consuming it in juice form.