Jujubes/Bor: Health Benefits and Its Anti-inflammatory Properties | Vicco labs Skip to main content
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Jujubes / Bor 

English Name : Jujubes
Hindi NameBor

PROPERTIES: Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-hyperlipidemic, anti-hyperglycemic, immunoregulatory, neuroprotective, sedative, and antiviral functions.

The highly nutritious and functional fruit is widely found in China, while it is planted across the world. Its bioactive qualities make Jujubes a great ingredient in medicinal products. This fruit has nutritional and potential biological effects, which were discovered by ayurveda gurus centuries ago. Hence, Jujubes are commonly found in many ayurvedic products

Its scientific name is Ziziphus jujuba, and is commonly known as Chinese date or red date. You can find it in different shapes - round to pear-shaped. Its thin, edible skin is also used for various medicinal uses. The dark red fruit can be as tiny as a cherry or as big as a plum.

As the world is opting for superfoods, ethical and healthy ingredients, Jujubes are finding a resurgence. It is now used as a dietary supplement, which contains bioactive substances like:

* Polysaccharides

* Polyphenols

* Amino Acids

* Nucleotides

* Fatty Acids

* Dietary Fibre

* Alkaloids

Health Benefits of Jujubes

Traditional medicine has made use of this powerful fruit for thousands of years. Here are some of the reasons:

It is an effective antioxidant

Antioxidants prevent or delay cell damage in various forms. The fruit is filled with flavonoids, polysaccharides, and triterpenic acids that make it a powerful antioxidant. In today’s times, we are all exposed to free radicals from air pollution, sunlight, smoke etc. Even your body produces free radicals in the metabolic process. Jujubes are extremely effective in curbing damage caused by free radicals

Prevents constipation

Experts always advise high-fibre diets for a good gut. Jujube is a great source of fibre and makes you feel full for longer, once you have consumed it. This prevents you from overeating and helps you maintain a healthy diet.

Improves sleep

Traditional medicine has prescribed Jujube for ages to promote sleep. This healthy fruit is rich in carbohydrates, proteins, unsaturated fatty acids, dietary fibre, vitamins, and minerals. 

Let's discuss each in detail:

* Vitamins and minerals

You will find plenty of minerals and vitamins in this super fruit. Studies show that it has 17 minerals. Especially vitamin A, vitamin B complex, riboflavin, carotene, thiamine, and ascorbic acid are found in good amounts.

* Fatty acids

As essential nutrients, fatty acids help you with your nourishment needs. Jujubes have a total of 11 fatty acid compounds, which make them a bountiful fruit.

* Dietary fiber

Jujubes were first discovered for their high fibre content. In fact, dietary fibre promotes metabolism function and beneficial bacteria. This process in turn produces energy and nutrients for your body

* Carbohydrates and proteins

These are the best source of energy for organs and muscles. Their main role is to keep the body functioning properly. Jujube fruits have a high content of carbohydrates and proteins. 

So the next time you see Jujubes you know what to do!

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