Clove / Laung
English Name : Clove
Hindi Name : Laung
No Indian dish is complete without clove (laung). Originating from India and Indonesia, the benefits of eating cloves have been proven for thousands of years. They are used in their seed and powder form for flavouring dishes and in traditional medicine. Clove uses are abundant in natural and products organic propagating overall health.
What Are Cloves (Laung)?
The fine buds of the clove tree make up this multi-purpose spice. They grow up to eight to twelve meters in height and are ready to harvest once the buds turn bright red in colour. This magic spice is filled with vitamins, fibre and minerals. One teaspoon (2 grams) of grounded cloves have:
* Good amount of carbs
* Low calories
* Manganese
* Vitamin K
As small amounts of cloves are consumed by us, it is not used to its full potential as a nutrient.
Here Are Some Clove Uses
Great for digestion
Cloves are known to stimulate enzyme secretion, which in turn, increases your digestive function. It helps in gastric irritability, dyspepsia and nausea.
Pain relief
The superior anti-inflammatory properties of Eugenol help ease pain. In fact, the benefits of clove for teeth have been approved by the Dental Association. Other than toothaches it helps relieve arthritis pain too.
Beats Bacteria
Its germicidal properties help reduce toothaches, sore gums, and even mouth ulcers. It also fights bacteria present in your stomach and relieves you from any uneasiness.
Controls Diabetes
Some studies have proven that cloves tend to increase the secretion of insulin, which is a hormone transporting sugar into your cells. This helps you maintain the right blood sugar levels, especially if you are diabetic.
Helps Your Bones
Eugenol is known to increase bone density and mineral content, which helps people with osteoporosis and weak bones. It stands out as the top rewarding benefits of eating cloves.
Best in Food
It is well-known for its aroma and sweetness, which adds zing to many dishes. You can even add it to flavour hot beverages and cookies.
There are many ways you can use cloves to your advantage:
* One of the prime benefits of eating cloves is sustained pain relief. Many people keep a clove next to the affected tooth/gum to reduce inflammation and pain.
* Take one clove at night to avoid constipation, diarrhoea or even acidity.
* Drink clove-infused warm water in case you are suffering from sore throat
Let’s Have a Quick Look At The Health Benefits Of Cloves (Laung):
* Being aromatic in nature is great for flavouring food and reducing bad breath
* The Antiseptic property helps fight bacteria causing tooth decay
* The Anaesthetic property immediately stops the toothache, and bone and joint pain
* As an antibacterial element it is great for your stomach
* Some experts confirm the use of clove to improve liver health
* Great to regulate your blood-sugar levels
By now you must have realised that the health benefits of cloves are aplenty. So, the next time you’re looking for a healthy ingredient to be added to your diet, you know what to pick.