1955 - Vicco’s commercial production commenced in a small factory at Parel, Bombay. It has a meager turnover of Rs. 10,000/- a year.
1968 - Vicco factory shifted to Dombivli, Dist. Thane into a two-acre land.
1975 - Vicco introduced the first yellow-colored face cream called Vicco Turmeric Skin Cream.
1982 - When the production at the Dombivli factory reached its optimum level, the Company built its new factory at Nagpur. This new factory at Nagpur is now using its capacity for the production of domestic as well as exports. Whereas the Dombivli factory looks only after the entire requirements of the USA, Canada, Europe, Middle East Countries, Australia, West Indies, etc.
1996 - Vicco built an ultra-modern factory, outside Maharashtra. Which is situated at Goa near Panaji.


1980 - For its export promotional efforts, Vicco got awarded the prestigious “International Trade Trophy – Phoenicia” in the hands of Honorable President of Malta.
1992-93 & 2001-02 - Received Second Best Export Performance Award.
February 1994 - Vicco earned a unique distinction of being the first Indian Company to export its products to a far off Nation, Iceland.
1997 - Vicco Lab, Goa got awarded as the “Most Outstanding Concrete Structures of India-1997” by American Concrete Institute (U.S.A).
25th March 2015 - Nominated & selected for Golden Globe Tigers Award in Kuala Lumpur- Malaysia.
27th November 2017 - Vicco bagged the prestigious ABP Brand Excellence Award in Marketing Campaign category.
Due to continuous export by Vicco, the Government of India, Ministry of Commerce has accorded Vicco Laboratories the status of an export House. Vicco has received several National and International awards in various fields like Advertising, Export, Quality, and International Trade.
Vicco exported their products to various countries and have also fetched substantial foreign exchange for the country in the last 25 years. For the company’s dazzling performance to supply its safe and natural quality products to the valued customers, Vicco Ayurvedic Products received a Compassionate Business Award from PETA.
“The Greatest Marketing Influencers 2016”, is presented by BBC Knowledge and is endorsed by CMO Asia. BBC Knowledge offered the award with the title of “Cult Brand” to Vicco Laboratories. Vicco Laboratories, Cult Brand fall into the category of benign cults which can be defined as a following where members are truly attached or intensely devoted to the product/service the brand provides.


Vicco exported their products to various countries and have also fetched substantial foreign exchange for the country in the last 25 years. For the company’s dazzling performance to supply its safe and natural quality products to the valued customers, Vicco Ayurvedic Products received a Compassionate Business Award from PETA.
“The Greatest Marketing Influencers 2016”, is presented by BBC Knowledge and is endorsed by CMO Asia. BBC Knowledge offered the award with the title of “Cult Brand” to Vicco Laboratories. Vicco Laboratories, Cult Brand fall into the category of benign cults which can be defined as a following where members are truly attached or intensely devoted to the product/service the brand provides.

Initially, we came across many challenges, Vicco being the first Ayurvedic brand in Paste and Powder. Not only we accepted the challenge but converted it into our victory by including in the first thousand top brands of India. Day by day the progress graph of Vicco kept on increasing. In 2013, Vicco conquered 254th rank in most attractive brands of India and just within a span of 2 years, we are proud to convey that Vicco has conquered 118th position in the ranking of 2015’s most attractive brands of India.
VICCO is a Dream: a Vision to be realized, a Promise to be fulfilled.