Trendy Hair Care Solutions for Winter Season

There is nothing like winter hair. Either you sport a great mane or simply get entangled in the hair perils of winter. During the winter season hair care solutions are of utmost importance. Cold and cosy weather does not give you the reason to diss your healthy hair routine, and let your hair down.
Oiling is a must!
Do you remember the times your mother oiled your hair? Well, mothers are always right when it comes to hair care for winter! Improve or maintain your hair through the regular use of hair oil to prevent dandruff, keep your scalp hydrated and nourish your hair. During winter you can end up with damaged, frizzy and broken hair. The nourishing qualities of Vicco Hair Oil, which is made from the finest-quality Ayurvedic ingredients help in fixing damaged hair while propagating growth, improving texture and increasing volume.
Know Your Hair
It is very important to know your hair. You need to observe how your hair reacts to winter conditions. This is crucial in deciding a healthy hair routine for damaged hair, dry scalp and to improve hair growth. You can maintain a diary on the effects of particular products on your hair. This also helps you understand the products you could use.
Go Natural
Vicco Hair Oil is a classic natural product that is packed with organic ingredients that are carefully chosen and extracted into this fine oil. Millions of people use it to combat hair fall, improve growth and maintain healthy hair in the long run.
All the points mentioned above help you build and maintain a healthy hair routine. But you also need to consider how nutrition plays an important part in maintaining good hair for a long time. Green leafy vegetables are a great solution, but when you are looking at hair care for winter, you need to get your fatty acids from
- Walnuts
- Flaxseeds
- Fish
- Avocado.
One of the crucial hair care solutions includes consuming more biotin to improve the health of your scalp. You can start with:
- Oats
- Nuts
- Brown rice
Iron is essential for hair growth for which you have:
- Green leafy vegetables
- Dried fruits
- Figs
- Berries
You need Vitamin E for damaged and broken hair. It is available in
- Pine nuts
- Spinach
- Olives
- Almonds.
Some Benefits of Hair Care for Winter
- Nourishes scalp
- Reduces hair fall
- Treats dandruff
- Strengthens hair
Vicco Amla Hair Oil is rich in antioxidants and offers perfect nourishment for your scalp. The amla goes deep into your scalp and strengthens your hair, from root to tip. The vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients present in amla are known to stimulate hair growth, which is a great treatment for hair loss. Since it is 100% cold-pressed Amla Oil, you do not have to worry about damaging chemicals and side effects.
Here is a simple yet healthy hair routine:
- Start by applying oil on your scalp
- Massage gently with your fingertips, in a circular motion
- Cover your hair with a piece of cloth, shower cap or towel and leave it overnight
- Shampoo your hair the next day. Do not forget to rinse thoroughly
- This treatment for all hair types helps maintain a healthy scalp.