Paste ingestion bad for health

paste ingested in the human body causes more harm than good
We have had many people ask us what happens if you swallow paste? Or what happens if you eat paste? Well, there is no good news here. paste ingested in the human body causes more harm than good. A life time of brushing and accidental ingestion works up to 5 buckets of paste consumed. This is about 20 gallons (64kg), which is a huge amount of paste and a lot of harm caused ignorantly. It is more important to know what one may have consumed through the paste overdose. To find this out, it is advised to go over the list of ingredients mentioned on the label of paste tube. All your conventional paste boxes come with a list of ingredients and is the best wat to know what goes into the product and eventually into your system. It is not surprising that most commonly the list consists of mostly chemicals.
In fact out of 5 buckets of paste, about 1 bucket is the weight of chemicals you consume in your life through brushing. So eating paste side effects can unknowingly harm you all through your life.
Certainly the most common ingredients one may find in paste are fluoride and triclosan. They are known to make teeth strong and prevent cavities. However the recent study shows that chemicals like fluoride and triclosan that keep accumulating in the body are very toxic in nature and may lead to serious long-term health risks. Hence paste overdoes is something you need to watch out for.
Even if the paste isn’t swallowed, potentially toxic chemical ingredients present in it are likely to pass into the bloodstream. About 90% of these toxic substances are absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and make their way into the bloodstream, posing serious health risks.
These harmful substances have been linked to fluoride toxicity, mouth mucosa irritation, endocrine disruption, reproductive system toxicity, and cancer, as well as various other health problems So now you know what happens if you swallow paste
How can you avoid consuming using these lots of chemicals? How can eating paste side effects be reduced?
It is time to switch from your conventional paste to an organic products to avoid ill health or any other complications. A natural product contains plant herbs and other substances found in nature which is completely safe and avoids from the ill effects of paste overdose.
“Since more and more studies have shown an association between potentially toxic chemicals present in conventional pastes and their adverse effects on dental health and the rest of the body, switching to herbal extracts for prevention and control of dental problems is the need of the hour,” says Dr. Bhairav B. Tawshikar Kulkarni, MD, Ayurveda Medicine, Shree Siddhivinayak Ayurved Panchakarma Center.
Dentifrices with herbal extracts are clinically proven to be safer than and as effective as conventional pastes. Not only are they gentler on the teeth and gums, but also control plaque, gingivitis and other dental problems safely.
While buying paste make sure to read the labels carefully to ensure that the paste contains only natural ingredients to avoid eating paste side effects
“Some dozens of herbal paste brands available in the market claiming that their product is completely organic and are free from fluoride, triclosan and other harmful substances. But the fact is that not all herbal pastes are created equal, so it is important for customers to check labels of herbal pastes for their ingredients”, advises Dr Rohan Virani, Dentist, MDS(OMMFR) MIFL(GERMANY), AFFLIATE ICOI.
So now that you know what happens if you eat paste it is time to be cautious. Replace your paste with a product made of natural ingredients. But before doing that do not forget to check the ingredients on the box of the paste. It is best if you could spread the message of what happens if you swallow paste so many others could live a healthier and safer life